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Billy Graham (Classic Attire)
CAW by Redrum420

Name: Billy Graham
HUD Name: Superstar
Nick Name: Superstar
Nick Name Placement: Prefix
Announcer Introduction: The Superstar
Hometown: Arizona
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Heavyweight (275lbs)
Match Tactic: Fight Dirty
Show: RAW
Voice: Voice-4

Basic Faces: Face Type 1
Head: 0, 14, 12, -14
Eyebrows: 9, -82, -37, -73
Eyes: 0, -11, -3, -77, -21, -40, -12
Nose: 0, 3, 0, 2, 79, 6, 14, 29
Cheek: -25, 17, -29, -64
Mouth: 16, 1, -14, 0, 19, 0, 36
Jaw: 90, 37, 12, -55, -23, 9
Ear: 40, -19, -99, 27
Age: 12

Body Type: -23
Body Type > Advanced Options:
Head: -4, 0, 2
Neck: -64, 29, 19
Chest: 6, 7, 29
Shoulder: -27, -45, -1
Abdomen: -1, 16, 18
Waist: 9, 23
Arms: -3, 28, 9
Hands: 3, 6, 18
Legs: -1, 9, 9
Feet: 3, 13, 3
Body Skin: 1 [Colour: 96 | Shade: 49 | Brightness: 53]
Body Height: 6\'4????

1. Body Skin
2. Face Skin 5/8
3. Eyes: 1/26 (95/43/50)
4. Head Paint 60/156 (97/74/51/34)
5. Eyebrows 6/48 (95/47/48/66)
6. Lip 28/35 (/97/48/48/60)
7. Teeth
8. Make Up 135/135 (98/51/50/16)
9. Make Up 120/135 (96/50/46/37)
10. Wristbands 1/20 (31/0/49/100/86)

11. L_Hemline 2/101 5/45 (73/51/60/100/66) (Entrance and cut scene only)
12. Tights 1/20 (76/27/28/100/0)
13. Make Up 45/135 (95/48/58/33)
14. Make Up 74/135 (96/50/54/33)
15. Eyebrows 35/48 (95/50/53/58)
16. Eyebrows 11/48 (95/43/53/79)
17. Letter_Japanese 13/14 ‘/ \\’ 2nd smallest height, as wide as possible (97/25/55/75) (see pic for placement)
18. Face Other 20/25 (96/50/50/25)
19. Sideburns 1/17 (93/333/96/100)
20. Sideburns 12/17 (93/37/79/100)
21. Pattern_Simple 149/162 2nd thinnest in width and smallest in height (96/24/64/56) (see pic for placement)
22. Hair 13/91 (93/41/84
23. Hair 85/91 (93/38/77)
24. Hair 83/91 (93/60/62/68)

Attire Designs: (see pic for placement)
25. Pattern_WWE 49/64 2nd widest and as tall as possible (100/0/60/100)
26. Pattern_WWE 49/64 2nd widest and as tall as possible, rotate once (100/0/60/100)
27. Pattern_WWE 49/64 2nd widest and as tall as possible (100/0/60/100)
28. Pattern_WWE 49/64 as big as possible, rotate once (100/0/60/100)
29. Pattern_WWE 49/64 as big as possible (100/0/60/100)
30. Pattern_WWE 49/64 2nd widest and as tall as possible, rotate once (100/0/60/100)
31. Pattern_WWE 49/64 2nd as big as possible (100/0/60/100)

32. Shoes 1/48 (88/47/50)