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Axl Rotten
CAW by Ibexhead

Name: Axl Rotten HUD Name: Axl
Nickname: DEFAULT
Nickname Placement: none
Announcer Introduction: The Brawler
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (England if you want Bad Breed Axl)
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Super Heavy 302lbs
Match Tactic: Fight Dirty
Show: Smackdown!
Voice: Voice-1



Head -32,-56,8,19
Eyebrows 77,39,=29,61
Eyes -21,0,0,0,0,30,0
Nose All 0
Cheek 66,27,18,27
Mouth All 0
Jaw 29,8,10,29,16,9 ***Bazooka956 Edit - Jaw Thickness 82 (Axl has a double chin)***
Ear All 0
Age 34


Hair 79/91 90,57,59,0
Eyes 1/26 92,50,37
Eyebrows 25/48 95,50,39,40
Lips 1/35 98,50,50,100
Face Skin 8/8 ***Bazooka956 Edit***
Eyelids 1
Teeth 1/3 98,50,50


Body Type

Ripped <-> Thick 28

Advance Options
Head -16.-22.12
Neck -88.25.-11
Chest 0.34.29
Shoulder -70.-12.16
Abdomen -7.54.19
Waist 39.43
Arms 0.14.12
Hands 0.0.0
Legs 0.-14.11
Feet 0.0.0

Body Skin 6/9 96,50,52
Body Hair 1
Body Height 6\'2\"



Face: Other 20 96,50,50,51
Face: Sideburns 8 95,50,50,6
Face: Goatee 1 92,69,39,100
Head Accessories: 1 88,50,50
Head pattern simple 153 rotate once 2nd largetst vertical and horizontal place under lips to cut goatee in half 97,22,73,75


mens Long hemline 5/1 43,0,0,100,90
Logo 63 largest vertical and horizontal place in the center of chest 100,50,50,100

Mens long hemline 93/101- 36/45- 40,56,50,100


Left arm: pattern Picture 128 second smallest vertical and horizontal move to back of arm a few clicks below elbow should just stick out from under gloves 40,50,27,41
Left arm: Logo 4 Rotate twice second smallest vertical and horizontal place on side of arm high up on shoulder 100,50,11,57

(KISS Tattoo)
Left arm: Logo 53 smallest vertical and second smallest horizontal place on side of arm just ablove elbow 3,50,59,65
Left arm: Logo 59 second smallest vertical and second largest horizontal place in between last 2 tattoos should cover a little of logo 53 94,50,41,61

Right arm: Pattern simple 20 smallest vertical and largest horizontal place on side of arm right above elbow 39,50,15,64

Gloves: 6 43,0,56 Right arm: pattern picture 140 smallest vertical and second smallest horizontal place towards front of arm just above glove 0,0,15,40


Knee pads 7 43,50,0,100
Pants 46/62 ***Bazooka956 Edit***


socks 1 43,0,64,100,68
shoes 4 43,50,0 ***Bazooka956 Edit***

Signs: ECW and Dont read my sign


Attributes: (Credit: Benjo1000)

Super Heavwyeight

Strength 8.5
Submission 6.5
Durability 8.5
Technique 7
Speed 6
Charisma 7.5
Hardcore 9
Stamina 6.5