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Al Snow (ECW)
CAW by 2wordsSUCKiT and BonesawGTX

Head: (-14, 14, -25, -12)
Eyebrows: (82, -1, -3, 35)
Eyes: (-14, 5, 10, -22, 0, 66, -15)
Nose: (38, 45, 22, 0, 37, 0, 0, 36)
Cheek: (-18, 0, 14, -25)
Mouth: (94, 47, -70, -27, 31, 50, 57)
Jaw: (54, 8, -40, -40, -48, 10)
Ear: (7, 25, -8, -62)
Age: 40

Body Type: 2
Head: (21, 7, 0)
Neck: (0, 7, 0)
Chest: (0, 1, 2)
Shoulder: (0, 0, 11)
Abdomen: (0, 22, 17)
Waist: (22, 19)
Arms: (6, 22, 19)
Hands: (3, 0, 0)
Legs: (5, 33, 14)
Feet: (0, 0, 0)

Layer List:
1.) Body Skin: 5/9: ( 98, 50, 46 )
2.) Face Skin: 2/8
3.) Eyes: 8/26: ( 100, 50, 38 )
4.) Eyebrows: 1/48: ( 97, 50, 40, 64 )
5.) Eyelashes: Default
6.) Lip: 28/35: ( 99, 75, 50, 0 )
7.) Teeth: Default
8.) Hair: 4/91: ( 93, 50, 0 )
9.) Hair: 42/91: ( 98, 58, 30, 0 )
10.) Underwear: Default
11.) Hair: 84: ( 92, 57, 15, 0 )
12.) Mustache ( Facial Hair, Mustache ): 4/13: ( 95, 50, 32, 44 )
13.) Make Up ( Head, Make Up): 48/135: ( 97, 42, 50, 100 )
14.) Face Other ( Facial Hair, Other ): 2/25: ( 95, 50, 30, 54 )
15.) Make Up ( Head, Make Up ): 53/135: ( 97, 44, 48, 100 )
16.) Pattern_Simple: 154 *Smallest H / 3rd V* ( 97, 23, 69, 61 ) [Help Pic: Red]
17.) Pattern_Simple: 154 *Rotate 3x/ Smallest H / 3rd V* ( 97, 23, 69, 61 ) [Help Pic: Blue]
18.) Mustache ( Facial Hair, Mustache ): 1/13: ( 96, 50, 40, 44 )
19.) Pattern_Simple: 153 *3rd H / 2nd V* (97, 22, 66, 63) [Help Pic: Yellow]
20.) Pattern_Simple: 153 *Largest H / 2nd V* (97, 22, 66, 63) [Help Pic: Black]
21.) Make Up ( Head, Make Up ): 52/135: ( 97, 45, 54, 100 )
22.) Tights: 1: (43, 0, 0, 100, 0)
23.) Wristbands: 2: (43, 0, 50, 100, 83)
24.) Shoes: 4: (43, 0, 0)
25.) Pattern_Picture: 49 *Rotate 3x/ 3rd H/ 2nd V* (92, 0, 35, 100) [Put on right side of pants]
26.) Patter_Picture: 8 *Largest H/ Smallest V* (24, 0, 30, 100) [Place on top of the football]
27.) Letter_Sign: 01/08 (´´) *Largest* (38, 0, 0, 100) [Use for Snowman\'s eyes]
28.) Word: 96 *2nd H/ Smallest V* (37, 0, 45, 100) [Place under design]
29.) Pattern_Picture: 77 *Rotate 3x/ 2nd H/ Smallest V* (94, 65, 44, 100) [Use as Snowman\'s nose]
30.) Letter_Alphabet: 10/18 \'S\' *Largest H/ 2nd V* (85, 37, 39, 100) [Place on center of left leg]
31.) Word: 32 *Largest H/ 2nd V* (85, 37, 39, 100) [Place next to the ‘S’]
32.) Word: 32 *Rotate 2x/ Largest H/ 2nd V* (85, 37, 39, 100) [Place under “SNOW????]