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Christopher Daniels
CAW by Richie Rich

Name: Christopher Daniels
Ring Name: Fallen Angel
Call Name: The Saint
Classification: Heavyweight
Gender: Male
Match Tactics: Dirty
Show: SmackDown!
Crowd Sign 1:Undertaker Fire Symbol
Crowd Sign 2:Same as Above

Logic 1: Grappler
Logic 2: Balanced
Move: Agressive
Irish Whip: Often
Diving Moves: Less Often
Taunt: Often

Body Toning: (0)

Face Skin: 12
Body Skin: 1
Skin Color: NOW
Hair: 2
Body Hair: 2 (-95,9)(0)(13)
Eyebrows: 2
Eyes: 1
Facial Hair: 75
Lips: 1
Teeth: 1

Head: (0, 22) (0)
Eyebrows: (-39,-21)(-58)
Eyes: (-45,0)(-51,0)
Nose: (-10,0)(-13,0)
Cheek: (-44,43)(0,-100)
Mouth: (-19,10)(-79,-33)
Jaw: (0,0)(-9,-19)
Ears: (0,0)(0,0)
Age: (0)

Head: (-46,0)(0)
Neck: (0,19)(100)
Chest: (-86,-30)(24)
Shoulders: (-51,0)
Abdomen: (-25,0)(-9)
Arms: (19,-9)(-26)
Hands: (0,0)
Waist: (-10, 0)
Legs: (-8,0)(0,0)
Feet: (0,0)(0)

Height: 6'2"
Underwear-1-19 (10,-100)(-100)
Tights-1-2 (12,-100)(-100)(100)(92)
Tights-1-2 (-100.-6)(0)(100)(100)
Kneepads-1-10 (11,-73)(-100)(100)
Kneepads-1-15 (-100,-5)(0)(100)
Head Accessories-5 (Entrance Only)
Shoes-1-3 (12,-100)(-100)
Gloves-1-6 (11,-80)(-100)
Upper Body:
Pattern Tattoo-48(-19,9)(-100)(100) PUT IT ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE TIGHTS (see pic if confused)
Pattern Tattoo-40 (100,-85)(0)(100) PUT IT IN BETWEEN THE 2 ANGELS WINGS (see pic for reference)

Design-Letter-Front-Sign- Page 2/8 Last Column.2nd Row PLACE LIKE IT IS IN THE PICTURE (21,-100)(0)(100)
Pattern-Simple153 (16,-43)(-100)(100)
Place this...guess how? Just like in the reference pics. You need two of these to make it come out like the pics.
Upper Body Accessories-18 (-90,24)(-100) ENTRANCE ONLY
Jacket-1-21 (12,-64)(-100) ENTRANCE ONLY