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Nike The Bike

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Lower Midcard

Lower Midcard (4/10)

  1. Man I saw your updated Hogan on your site...

    The best Hogan CAW EVER. Noone else is even close to what I've seen in the images you posted. 10/10. And getting a 10/10 on a Hogan CAW is not easy from me, I've NEVER given anyone that before. Sick stuff. You make me want to get a 360...

  2. Go to OSR and look at the tutorial section.

    I'm not sure there are WII tuts but I think there could be.

  3. This is your best Hogan yet Tekken (for WWE12), no doubt. Try making the top of his head less wide though.

    Will it be possible to make any good modding on '12?

    I've not decided if it's worth updating my console for this game yet.

  4. I need help changing textures on the wii, for the love of god, nobody explains it fully and its just neglected..please help

  5. Can you create your editor for psp svr 2011?


  6. No I can't. I don't edit 2011.

  7. Please Nike Can You Tell Me How To Change Overall In SVR 11 In PS2

  8. -__- I cant pm please just empty your inbox I have joined the osr but the admin hasn't add me as a user yet so I can't pm you there. please just empty your inbox I have questions for you

  9. I have an interest in hacking but I'm stuck with cmd problems, I have pac files but my problem is that I have no idea in what to type in the cmd

    I've seen your readme file and I've found 2 options:

    To import a character model from within the editor:

    To import a character to your SVR2010 PS2 game from the external import functionality (works also for PSP):

    I don...

  10. I have an interest in hacking but I'm stuck with cmd problems, I have pac files but my problem is that I have no idea in what to type in the cmd

    I've seen your readme file and I've found 2 options:

    To import a character model from within the editor:

    1. Enter the edit wrestler page for the character you wish to import a model for.

    2. Click the "import mo...

  11. Go to the OSR or WLF forums and ask there.

  12. Can i export psp pac files with your editor?

    If i can tell me how please)))

  13. Did you know person who can?

  14. No but there are people there who can.

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