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Zane gang for right now.

I love we have 3 action skills and can use 2 of them at once, but sacrificing the grenades until we remove it. (Edit* that's only Zane, Moze doesn't do that, idk about Fl4K and Amara)

Moze will be my next character(edit, her ability is cool) then Fl4k and then Amara, just not a fan of using Sirans. What I'll do when I play again is to play up until I can use my skills to see what they do, like I did with GOTY this year.

BL1 Brick

BLTPS Handsome Jack

BL2 Salvador/Kreig

BL3 Zane

I just found out Prozd is F*ing Fl4K wow. I'm not really a fan anymore

with what he said about the Vic Mignogna. Same with Ellies Actress(one of the accusers



Now something I'm not use to are the directional buttons. Before I used them to switch weapons, ?? now it marks things ?? switches alternate ammo. Now something I LOVE is sliding as we run and can grab ledges when we jump. Man this is gonna be an amazing experience for me. Hell I love our character actually communicates.


And 1 thing I cant wait for is to see the new DLC characters they'll add. And the EE I can't wait to see more EE. I already know there is a Rick and Morty EE. Mine from last game was Minecraft, the 2 guns you can get were amazing. Which took a few hours to go back and forth until the guns dropped


I'll do this later but I want to finish True Vault Hunter Mode for 2 with my bro Salvador. Love that character so much, has my favorite ability. 2 guns at once, and I have a skill where it constantly is regenerating ammo, and 2 grenades for the price of 1. And the more I kill, the longer it goes. The weapons I got using VIP reward points made Fight For Sanctuary a Breeze


Let me ask yall who play this, who's y'alls favorite Gun Manufacturer? Mine is Malawian, dislike Jackobs the most.


Also downloaded an app for Borderlands 3 where I can keep track of my Skill Trees

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Zane gang for right now.

I love we have 3 action skills and can use 2 of them at once, but sacrificing the grenades until we remove it. (Edit* that's only Zane, Moze doesn't do that, idk about Fl4K and Amara)

Moze will be my next character(edit, her ability is cool) then Fl4k and then Amara, just not a fan of using Sirans. What I'll do when I play again is to play up until I can use my skills to see what they do, like I did with GOTY this year.

BL1 Brick

BLTPS Handsome Jack

BL2 Salvador/Kreig

BL3 Zane

I just found out Prozd is F*ing Fl4K wow. I'm not really a fan anymore

with what he said about the Vic Mignogna. Same with Ellies Actress(one of the accusers



Now something I'm not use to are the directional buttons. Before I used them to switch weapons, ?? now it marks things ?? switches alternate ammo. Now something I LOVE is sliding as we run and can grab ledges when we jump. Man this is gonna be an amazing experience for me. Hell I love our character actually communicates.


And 1 thing I cant wait for is to see the new DLC characters they'll add. And the EE I can't wait to see more EE. I already know there is a Rick and Morty EE. Mine from last game was Minecraft, the 2 guns you can get were amazing. Which took a few hours to go back and forth until the guns dropped


I'll do this later but I want to finish True Vault Hunter Mode for 2 with my bro Salvador. Love that character so much, has my favorite ability. 2 guns at once, and I have a skill where it constantly is regenerating ammo, and 2 grenades for the price of 1. And the more I kill, the longer it goes. The weapons I got using VIP reward points made Fight For Sanctuary a Breeze


Let me ask yall who play this, who's y'alls favorite Gun Manufacturer? Mine is Malawian, dislike Jackobs the most.


Also downloaded an app for Borderlands 3 where I can keep track of my Skill Trees

Directional buttons also change what quest you're focusing on if you press left and right. Much better than having to do it through the menu

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I do like that and using your money for Ammo upgrades and backpack/bank instead of Eridium


Got the One Pump Chump Shotgun from One Punch(Man lol) and its actually pretty good. My favorite thing is it has a 50% chance of not using Ammo. Since it's a 1 shot so that's pretty handy. Most I had was 6 shots in a row before reloading. I really need to Eridium Farm. I know the Crawlys is a good one. Around 10 Eridium per go

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