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Raditz CAW for Xbox One: Dragon Ball Z Franchise


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A lot of people are going to think I'm weird; not for this request, but for what I'm about to say! I'm really hurt that Raditz isn't in the Dragon Ball FighterZ game & he's my all-time favorite Dragon Ball Z character EVER!! The first villain introduced in Dragon Ball Z who also happens to be Goku's brother, he has a sick character design & has the best looking hair in all of the DBZ universe!!!


Since he's not in Dragon Ball FighterZ, and I don't think he's going to even make it as DLC at this point, I really need someone to make a CAW of Raditz! It'll make me feel much better about him not being in a Dragon Ball-related game AND I'll do ANYTHING it takes for ANYONE to make him for me!! Lastly for now, I JUST BEG OF ANYONE OUT THERE THAT'S GOOD WITH CAWS, please do this for me & just find the next-best substitute if anything gets complicated (E.G: Hair - choose what you think will best fit him, even if it's not perfect)?!?!?!

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