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Wrestling Card Game


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Hey gang. Wanted to share this project with you all.I'm working with a lot of indie workers and companies in my area to produce a card game. It's called Warriors of the Ring. It took a while to think up some mechanics for the game, but I think I got it. This is still a work in progress and not all cards are done





The game starts with each player drawing 7 cards from either their wrestler deck or their support deck. They can choose how much they draw from either, as long as it's 7 total. The wrestler deck is recommended to have 15-20 cards. While the Support deck is recommended to have 30. The game consists of 7 matches. Each card has a match counter. Low level cards can be played early on, while tougher cards can only be played in the late game. Example: a card with a Match Counter of 4 can only be played after 4 matches have passed. Each card has stats. Attack, Endurance, Charisma, and their Hit Points.


The Attack stat determines how much dice (Six Sided) you role when you make an attack. Endurance determines how much dice you role to defend the attack. The difference between the results determines how much damage the defending card takes. Charisma is how much a card adds to the Charisma pool each turn. The Charisma pool is used to use special abilities. These abilities deal guaranteed damage against an opponent.


Support cards can help your wrestler gain an upper hand in the match, such as the Distraction card can net you a free attack against an opponent, at the cost of using one of your wrestlers. Managers can be played at the start of the match. They have special abilities that can be used anytime during a match, but only once.












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