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Jim The Anvil Neidhart

(credit to I’m no modder)

Start with face Template 1

Texture: 8 12 96 168

Shine 60
Age: 50

Hair: superstar 9 0 255 0


Type 1 114 197 130
Eyelashes 1 11 110 35
Eyebrows 23 17 106 65
Teeth 1 21 241 180

Head> Makeup> Lipstick 1 12 96 168

-Face Shape-
Head: 3 24 3

Cranium: 47 -59 44 -14

Forehead: 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows: -100 26 25 10
Eyes: 10 -48 -32 -25 9 100 -24
Nose: -59 -100 1 10 47 69 -41 84
Cheeks: 80 -100 76 20
Mouth 100 -62 -100 -29 55 10 -11
Jaw: -100 -20 27 -18 60 100
Ears: 29 -48 -11 -93

Height: 6,5
Size: 1

-Body Shape-
Neck -80 53 50
Chest: -11 21 36 0
Traps: 24 10 0
Shoulders:4 52 -37
Abdomen: 7 70 69
Waist: 71 41
Arms: -15

(Biceps) -15 1

(Forearms) -15 1
Hands: -7 -5 1
Legs: 0

Thighs) 0 21

(Calves) 0 0
Feet: 19 0 0


Designs 108 14 139 180 0 (laughter line)


Designs 108 14 139 180 0 (copy laughter line on other side of face)







Dusty Rhodes

(credit to Dynomyte converted by me santacaw)

Start with face Template 1

Texture: 10 13 96 178

Shine 0
Age: 49

Hair: superstars 7 20 174 231


Type 1 0 255 0
Eyelashes 9 (1st) 0 255 0 (2nd) 13 82 140 (3rd) 13 82 140
Eyebrows 17 17 116 66
Teeth 1 21 241 180

Head> Makeup> Lipstick 1 6 121 190

-Face Shape-
Head: 39 53 22

Cranium: -2 -45 -41 -7

Forehead: 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows: -100 -100 30 -19
Eyes: 0 -20 -80 -45 43 -9 -55
Nose: -52 -100 8 -100 -30 81 17 7
Cheeks: 88 100 53 -90
Mouth 36 -81 -71 -38 1 42 -1
Jaw: 21 -14 -58 -10 100 100
Ears: 0 0 0 0

Height: 6,5
Size: 11

-Body Shape-
Neck -100 100 64
Chest: 36 33 61 -99
Traps:31 0 62
Shoulders: 2 44 28
Abdomen: -62 96 71
Waist: 85 85
Arms: 3

(Biceps) 13 15

(Forearms) 30 30
Hands: 6 33 16
Legs: -2

Thighs) 22 56

(Calves) 10 41
Feet: 0 0 0


Trunks & underwear 17 (1st) 0 255 40 (2nd) 32 113 215

Hands 18 162 245 224

Elbow pads 1 ( right arm only) 0 255 38

Knee pads 5 pattern 7 (1st) 0 255 40 (2nd) 32 113 215

Boots & shoes 41 0 255 235


(entrance add)

Top 10 pattern 7 (1st) 0 255 40 (2nd) 32 113 215








Booker T

Face template 1
Skin texture 12. 17 87 148
Shine 0
Age 0

Hair superstars 80 (1st) 21 201 28. (2nd). 21 201 28

Length 31

Eyetype 1. 0 255 30
Eyelashes 1. 11 110 35
Eyebrows 21. 0 255 10
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lips 1. 17 87 148

Face shape
Head 14 0 0
Cranium -69 -78 64 -32
Forehead -5 100 5 0
Eyebrows -100 100 0 31
Eyes 100 -73 87 -57 10 42 -9
Nose. 32 100 -32 -25 -24 72 -12 9
Cheeks. -7 100 9 -100
Mouth -100 11 48 50 39 43 51
Jaw 91 17 44 -14 5 -72
Ears -2 100 -26 0

Size 1
Height 6,5

Body shape
Neck -52 4 24
Chest -11 8 13 -61
Traps 5 59 0
Shoulders -27 20 0
Abdomen -36 25 23
Waist 24 10
Arms 0
Biceps -5 -5
Forearms -1 3
Hands 9 3 5
Legs 8
Thighs 0 9
Calves 0 8
Feet 0 0 0

Trunks / underwear 21. 145 100 255
Hands 11. 0 255 0
Trunks / underwear 3. 0 255 15
Arms / wrists 9. 0 255 15
Knee pads 6. 140 238 30

Boots / shoes 16 (1st) 140 235 25. (2nd) 140 235 25

Elbow pad 9. (left arm only) 140 235 25

Menu pose 22

Hulk hogan
(Credit to devil converted by santacaw)

Start with face Template 1

Texture: 12. 13 90 160
Shine 10
Age: 60

Hair: Superstars 41. 25 200 220
Length 42

Type 1
Eyelashes 1. 11 110 35
Eyebrows 6. 17 154 45
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 14. 5 150 170

-Face Shape-
Head:14 3 13
Cranium:15 -65 -35 -20
Forehead: -10 100 -20 30
Eyebrows: -25 2 -79 -10
Eyes: 15 -25 -13 -35 40 70 -45
Nose: 10 -39 -35 50 20 10 40 -30
Cheeks: -40 -99 20 -75
Mouth 10 -50 10 50 45 56 -25
Jaw:10 55 90 -30 70 -75
Ears: 0 0 0 -13

Height: 6,7

-Body Shape-
Neck 40 11 35
Chest:70 40 50 -55
Traps:13 25 20
Shoulders: 15 52 20
Abdomen: -10 34 43
Waist: 45 25
Arms: 1
(Biceps) 2 8
(Forearms) 10 5
Hands: 10 10 10
Legs: 50
Thighs) -15 -5
(Calves) -15 -15
Feet:0 0 0

Eye make up 14. 15 130 160
Eye make up 5. 12 131 230

Designs 108. 15 128 90 35 (laughter lines)

Designs 108. 15 128 90 35 ( copy laughter lines on other side of face)

Mustache 14. 25 200 225
Combinations 1. 25 195 210

Marks / scars 16. 14 120 160

Jeff jarrett (wcw)
Start with face Template 1

Texture: 8. 12 96 176
Shine 0
Age: 17

Hair: Superstar 5. 21 147 171

Type 1. 114 197 130
Eyelashes 1. 11 110 35
Eyebrows 22. 21 126 166
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 1. 12 96 176

-Face Shape-
Head: 0 -9 -8
Cranium: -3 -66 -24 -19
Forehead: -85 -64 91 -100
Eyebrow : -100 -25 37 -6
Eyes: 13 -38 -6 -30 10 -23 -37
Nose: 4 37 -28 9 -31 57 21 19
Cheeks: -28 -25 -29 22
Mouth -7 -39 -35 -46 39 -10 -3
Jaw: 14 -30 5 7 -27 -26
Ears: -8 40 -6 -24

Height: 6,0
Size: 10

-Body Shape-
Neck -1 -9 -29
Chest: 15 -7 -4 -8
Traps: 14 -6 5
Shoulders: -40 -14 -17
Abdomen: -17 14 7
Waist: 25 7
Arms: 0
(Biceps) -9 -9
(Forearms) -5 1
Hands: 2 -2 4
Legs: 0
Thighs) -4 -7
(Calves) -8 -3
Feet: 0 0 0

Combinations 25. 13 137 90
Combinations 1. 21 146 121
Mustache 14. 21 146 121
Goatee 21. 21 146 121
Make up 1. 17 93 36
Facepaint 37. 13 136 158 100
Body hair torso 5. 13 137 148

Scott steiner
(Credit to kradiation converted by me santacaw)

Face template 1
Skin texture 4. 13 96 178
Shine -10
Age 50

Hair superstars 9. 40 207 255

Eyetype 1. 0 255 30
Eyelashes 4. 15 128 30
Eyebrows 17. 17 116 66
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 1. 13 96 178

Face shape
Head 18 8 16
Cranium 0 -75 51 -35
Forehead 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows -100 -100 0 15
Eyes -28 -20 -25 -46 70 -40 -17
Nose -65 -100 15 20 -35 74 -60 0
Cheeks 30 100 35 0
Mouth 70 -55 -40 10 24 -70 -40
Jaw -35 25 52 -9 63 100
Ears 10 10 0 0

Height 6,1
Size 3

Body shape
Neck -40 38 30
Chest -5 23 38 30
Traps 78 36 42
Shoulders -5 30 30
Abdomen 5 32 23
Waist 70 34
Arms -20
Biceps 18 30
Forearm 18 30
Hands 0 0 0
Legs 10
Thighs 10 20
Calves 11 25
Feet 0 3 8

Mustache 13. 42 199 255
Combinations 11. 42 199 255
Combinations 10. 42 199 255
Designs 111. 0 255 0. (Middle of beard) help pic 1


Bam bam bigelow
(Credit to dyomyte converted by santacaw)

Face template 1
Skin texture 8. 13 96 178
Shine -6
Age 23

Hair. (Bald)

Eyetype 1. 0 255 30
Eyelashes 1. 11 110 35
Eyebrows 5. 18 130 113
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 1. 6 117 185

Face shape
Head -7 14 8
Cranium -24 26 6 20
Forehead 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows -60 -80 100 31
Eyes 18 -37 -50 -22 9 80 -22
Nose 2 5 -29 -34 -100 34 38 100
Cheeks 100 100 100 9
Mouth 22 -64 -89 -29 65 56 -47
Jaw 100 11 -20 29 100 100
Ears 30 -41 -4 -61

Height 6,5
Size 10

Body shape
Neck -56 7 8
Chest 12 55 40 -100
Traps 45 42 31
Shoulders -6 45 15
Abdomen 19 93 73
Waist 100 63
Arms -18
Biceps 21 20
Forearms 22 20
Hands 5 5 5
Legs 1
Thighs 32 35
Calves 31 26
Feet 0 0 0

Facepaint 61. 18 150 115. (2nd). 13 119 154

Sideburns 14. 15 149 167
Goatee 8. 11 148 169
Goatee 6. 15 130 69
Mustache 12. 15 145 88
Sideburns 16. 19 150 85
Combinations 11. 17 153 104
Goatee 3. 15 150 80

Trunks/ underwear 1. 155 146 70
Arms / wrists 9. 0 255 255
Hands 18. 0 255 255
Wrestling tights 5. 0 255 13
Boots and shoes 5. 0 255 13
Tops 46. 0 255 15

Sid visious
(Credit to kradiation converted by santacaw)

Face template 1
Skin texture 12. 13 96 178
Shine 3
Age 32

Hair superstar 43. 20 132 174
Length 0

Eyetype 1. 114 197 130
Eyelashes 1. 11 110 35
Eyebrows 21. 17 126 75
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 1. 13 96 178

Face shape
Head 7 0 -17
Cranium -30 -100 12 -29
Forehead 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows -100 11 21 0
Eyes -15 0 25 -41 16 -59 0
Nose 0 -31 0 -17 -51 12 -30 0
Cheeks 17 -100 -56 -5
Mouth -33 -99 24 0 -43 -36 -69
Jaw 18 -5 36 -17 19 61
Ears 0 0 0 0

Height 6,9
Size 1

Body shape
Neck -85 -10 25
Chest 20 4 22 -32
Traps -12 51 65
Shoulders -58 -4 -54
Abdomen -15 25 25
Waist 35 24
Arms -5
Biceps 0 -5
Forearms -3 4
Hands -14 -8 3
Legs 5
Thighs -4 -2
Calves -4 -2
Feet 0 0 0

Trunks / underwear 14. 0 255 0. (2nd colour). 0 255 0
Arms and wrists 8 ( all 0 255 255)
Boots and shoes 5
Elbow pad left arm only 1. 0 255 0

Disco inferno
Face template 1
Skin texture 1. 13 96 178
Shine 0
Age 0

Hair 25. 14 179 20

Eyetype 1. 0 255 30
Eyelashes 1. 11 110 35
Eyebrows 7. 17 114 63
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 1. 6 121 190

Face shape
Head 11 -4 0
Cranium 0 32 15 0
Forehead 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows -100 100 -100 -75
Eyes 27 -43 -47 0 1 -43 0
Nose 3 -83 73 9 2 -28 21 -62
Cheeks -60 -100 31 22
Mouth 84 -48 8 -81 0 42 11
Jaw -85 -58 2 10 -35 0
Ears -2 46 15 2

Height 6,1
Size 1

Body shape
Neck -55 0 0
Chest -22 5 0 0
Traps 0 0 0
Shoulders -12 3 7
Abdomen -29 22 0
Waist -9 0
Arms -17
Biceps 0 7
Forearms 0 0
Hands 0 0 0
Legs -9
Thighs 0 0
Calves 0 0
Feet 0 0 0

Combinations 24. 17 135 150
Goatee 15. 26 148 90
Trunks / underwear 6. 134 176 64
Arms and wrists 8 (all 0 255 255)
Bottoms 39. 0 255 255
Boots and shoes 40. 0 255 40 (2nd colour) 0 255 40

(Credit to tich converted by santacaw)
Face template 1.
Skin texture 9. 13 96 178
Shine 0
Age 35

Hair bald

Eyetype 1. 114 197 130
Eyelashes 15
Eyebrows 1. 16 141 121
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 12. 5 147 194

Face shape
Head 2 -3 29
Cranium -2 -40 12 -30
Forehead 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows -100 -20 -100 -30
Eyes -6 -30 2 32 4 25 -25
Nose -28 -75 -60 -85 -11 100 -10 -15
Cheeks 10 35 44 -33
Mouth 15 -26 -45 5 100 11 -40
Jaw 90 45 70 32 40 100
Ears 21 -22 27 10

Height 6,6
Size 3

Body shape
Neck -45 45 85
Chest 13 29 50 -2
Traps 90 90 100
Shoulders -10 33 -10
Abdomen 25 32 29
Waist 34 32
Arms 22
Biceps 10 17
Forearms 5 10
Hands 0 0 0
Legs 30
Thighs 12 25
Calves -1 19
Feet -5 0 -20

Eye make up 8. 17 104 180
Combinations 13. 17 136 109
Combinations 7. 0 255 155
Mustache 13. 20 142 63
Face paint 74. 16 129 192. (2nd colour) 12 137 193

Mustache 2. 17 136 66
Combinations 10. 17 135 89
Combinations 1. 16 128 88
Mustache 14. 17 137 88
Combinations 11. 17 135 95
Goatee 3. 15 129 95

Ted turner
(Credit to kradiation converted by santacaw)

Face template 1
Skin texture 8. 13 96 178
Shine -30
Age 0

Hair superstar 28. 28 220 200

Eyetype 4. 0 255 30
Eyelashes 4. 15 128 30
Eyebrows 17. 14 179 140
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 2. 14 139 200

Face shape
Head -15 0 0
Cranium -100 50 35 20
Forehead 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows 5 10 85 -40
Eyes -40 10 -70 -25 5 100 -45
Nose 20 -40 -48 10 100 30 40 -4
Cheeks 48 -30 -100 20
Mouth -58 -70 0 -30 3 22 -58
Jaws 100 65 -20 13 51 30
Ears 6 0 0 -24

Height 5,10
Size 1

Body shape
Neck 0 0 0
Chest 0 0 0 0
Traps 0 0 0
Shoulders -10 18 0
Abdomen 0 10 0
Waist 10 0
Arms 0
Biceps 0 0
Forearms 0 0
Hands 0 0 0
Legs 0
Thighs 0 0
Calves 0 0
Feet 0 0 0

Mustache 13. 15 148 90

Mean gene okerlund
Start with face template 1
Skin texture 8 13 96 178
Shine - 30
Age 56

Hair superstars 65 14 202 57 ...
Eye type 1. 0 255 30
Eyelashes 1 11 110 35
Eyebrows 17 17 146 133
Teeth 1 21 241 180
Lipstick 1 6 117 185

Face shape
Head 4 13 -7
Cranium -65 -81 -15 -13
Forehead 0 0 0 0
Eyebrows -36 86 30 10
Eyes -22 -43 0 -19 -45 27 0
Nose 8 -73 -30 26 -98 40 31 -31
Cheeks 48 -83 -40 -81
Mouth 33 - 32 -23 13 -5 -55 -13
Jaw -23 -22 -17 -4 -7 29
Ears -50 66 10 -70

Height 5 ' 9
Size 9
Body shape
Neck -74 -77 -49
Chest -12 -11 11 0
Traps -10 0 0
Shoulders 21 0 -30
Abdomen 0 29 18
Waist 6 3
Arms - 20
Biceps -5 -15
Forearms -5 -15
Hands 0 0 0
Legs 14
Thighs 0 0
Calves 0 0
Feet 0 0 0

Mustache 13 20 147 75
Trunks and underwear 1. 155 146 70

Bottoms 37 0 255 20. 0 255 20
Boots and shoes 42 0 255 20
Tops 20 0 255 200
Body accessories 3 0 50 200
Jacket 15. All 0 255 20

Billy Kidman (WCW Attire)
By Beast & the Harlot
Converted For WWE 13 By: cenationfan7

Face Template: 1
skin texture:12. 13 96 178
Shine -9
Age 18

Hair : 46 (0,255,30)

Eye Type 1: (13,72,86)
Eyebrows 6: (17,116,66)
Eyelashes 4: (15,128,30)
Lipstick 15: (6,117,185)
Teeth 1: (21,241,180)

*Face Shape*
Head: (9,14,0)
Cranium: (0,28,9,0)
Eyebrows: (-100,40,0,-35)
Eyes: (-35,15,10,-12,-8,-1,-35)
Nose: (34,57,-40,47,-10,-70,31,65)
Cheeks: (-63,-53,-27,-70)
Mouth: (28,-60,-40,0,-5,7,-20)
Jaw: (17,-30,22,-14,-20,-68)
Ears: (0,0,0,0)

Eye Make Up 5: (14,150,225)

Size: 4

Height: 5'10

Body Shape-
Neck: (-40,10,-5)
Chest: (14,-10,-10,0)
Traps: (-23,14,0)
Shoulders: (-30,16,-15)
Abdomen: (-34,-15,-5)
Waist: (0,0)
Arms: (Length -10)
Biceps: (-15,-15)
Forearms: (-15,-15)
Hands: (0,0,0)
Legs: (Length 3)
Thighs: (2,4)
Calves: (2,4)
Feet: (0,0,0)


Tops:10 (Tucked in 21,219,195)
Arms & wrists/Both:10 (21,219,195)
Elbow Pads/Both Arms:3 (0,255,30)
Bottoms:1 (1st:147,170,140/2nd:147,170,140)
Belt:8 (1st:0,255,30/2nd:default)
Knee Pads/Both:13 (0,255,30)
Socks,Etc.:3 (21,219,195)
Boots & Shoes:5 (Shortest/0,255,30)

Menu Screen Popse:22

Abilities:Hammer Throw,Resiliency,Outside

Dives,Springboard Dives,Comeback



Name: Billy Kidman
Entrance Name:Billy Kidman
Abbreviated Name: Billy Kidman
Ring Announcer Name:Billy Kid Men(Trust me it sound closer

than man does)
Commentary Name: Any
Hometown: Allentown,Pennsylvania
Weight Class: Cruiserweight
Crowd Reaction: Cheer
Exibition Brand: Legends
Universe Brand:Your Choice but I chose Smackdown

Scott hall
(Credit to wolfgangjt)

Start with face Template 1

Texture: 9. 14 85 174
Shine. -13
Age: 28

Hair: Superstars 44. 0 255 17
Length 37

Type 1. 0 255 30
Eyelashes 1. 11 110 35
Eyebrows. 14. 15 178 46
Teeth 1. 21 241 180
Lipstick 13. 14 85 173

-Face Shape-
Head: 12 2 -13
Cranium: -79 -100 68 -37
Forehead: 100 100 100 0
Eyebrows: -100 -81 100 -60
Eyes: -22 2 -21 0 -24 11 -44
Nose:55 50 -100 8 -41 56 39 27
Cheeks: 38 10 -42 -71
Mouth -30 -23 -7 -17 28 17 20
Jaw: 35 3 44 7 59 -34
Ears: 29 -74 41 -8

Height: 6,7
Size: 3

-Body Shape-
Neck -98 12 0
Chest: 22 -6 10 -60
Traps: -9 0 47
Shoulders:7 19 0
Abdomen: -7 32 10
Waist: 30 24
Arms: -16
(Biceps) -19 -6
(Forearms) 0 -4
Hands: 0 0 0
Legs: 14
Thighs) -9 2
(Calves). -5 0
Feet: 0 0 0

Combinations 25. 14 112 82
Designs 104. 15 111 214 0. Help pic 1
Designs 131. 16 122 251 0. Help pic 2
Sideburns 13. 15 128 122
Combinations 24. 15 124 62
Combinations 24. 14 167 107
Combinations 24. 16 126 130
Facepaint 56. 14 122 205 0
Designs 135.15 130 153 63 Help pic 3
Make up 20. 14 141 150
Make up 16. 14 120 169
Make up. 12. 14 129 150
Make up 15. 14 143 227
Mustache 4. 14 140 144
Designs 131 14 108 170 57 Help pic 4
Designs 111.14 132 254 69 help pic 5

Body hair arms 1. 13 145 46
Body hair torso 5. 14 135 38
Body hair torso 1. 14 144 57

Trunks / underwear 16. 0 255 20
Knee pads 5. 0 255 20

Boots / shoes 26 (1st). 0 255 25. (2nd). 0 255 255. (3rd) 0 255 61. (4th) 0 255 0

Elbow pads both 2. 159 194 29


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Here's Jake "The Snake" Roberts including a complete moveset I found, I hope you enjoy him.


Jake Roberts
CAW by BrunoBarros
Converted For WWE 13 By: cenationfan72


Age: 62
Marks & Scars:3 (14,120,218)
Marks & Scars:2 (14,120,218)

Hair/Superstar:44 (21,62,50/L:45)
Eyes:1 (21,62,50)
Eyebrows:1 (21,62,50)

Facial Hair>
Mustache: 11 (21,62,50)
Mustache: 12 (21,62,50)
Mustache: 13 (21,62,50)


Head: 7,-8,10
Cranium: default
Forehead: 23,-100,-5,-47
Eyebrows: -100,-53,-35,-61
Eyes: 27,-37,-12,38,-27,31,-29
Nose: -8,20,-21,21,-47,47,-37,37
Cheeks: -100,100,24,41
Mouth: -14,-38,40,15,-35,-14,31
Jaw: -17,31,-37,19,-49,-44
Ears: -30,20-9,-27


Height: 6'7" 249 lbs.

Shape: (select the size 6 before)

Neck: -22,14,14
Chest: 15,20,24,-37
Traps: 27,-29,35
Shoulders: -53,14,-41
Adbomem: -37,14,8
Waist: 24,22
Arms: -12
Biceps: 11,-2
Forearms: 14,1
Hands: 9,-7,2
Legs: 5
Thighs: -3,-1
Calves: -14,0
Feet: 4,4,2

Body Hair:5


Wrestling Tights:6

Boots & Shoes:23

Arms & Wrists/Both:10 (0,255,195)

Menu Screen Pose:1

Abilities:Hammer Throw,Resiliency,Comeback,Leverage

Pin,Ring Escape



Roster Application Form>

Name > Jake Roberts
Entrance Name > Jake "" Roberts
Abbrv. Name > The Snake
Ring Announcer Name > Jake The Snake Robert
Commentary Name > Santos or whatever you want
Hometown > Stone Mountain, Georgia
Weight Class > Heavyweight
Crowd Reaction > Cheer
Exibition Brand > Legends
Universe Brand > Smackdown

Moveset by Charismatic.Enigma

- Ring Escape
- Dirty Pin
- Leverage Pin
- Hammer Throw

Standard Actions:
-Normal Ring In 1
- Roll Down Ring Out

Apron Ring-In/Out:
-normal ring in 2
-normal ring out 2

Apron Ringside-In/Out:
-heavy on the apron
-normal apron out 1

-the snake
-texas 3
-Edge 4 or 3
-mushroom 3

Strike Attacks:
-Brother Snap Jab
- Clothesline 1
- Gut Kick 1
- Woman's Slap 1
- Quick Jab

Strike Combination:
-Brother Snap Jab
- Boxing Jab
- Clothesline 1

Strong Strikes:
-Clothesline 12 or Discus Clothesline
-knife edge chop 2

Kick Reversal:
-Clothesline Reversal 1
-take down reversal
-figure 4 leglock 2
-Abdominal Stretch
-shove back

Leverage Pin:
-school boy 2

Chain Grapple:
Front Facelock:
-Knee Strike 2
-Abdominal Stretch
-Undertaker Knee Strike
-Gutwrench Suplex 1
-front neck lock knee lift
-eye rake 2
-Reverse Atomic Drop 1
- Undertaker Knee Strike(Weight Detection)

Side Headlock:
-Punch To Head 1
-Snapmare & Chin Lock
-Side Headlock Takedown
-Eye Rake 1
-backbreaker drop 3
-Scoop Slam 3
-Swing Neckbreaker 1
- Undertaker Knee Strike(Weight Detection)

Wrist Lock:
-Elbow Smash 4
-sleeper hold 1
-arm drag 2
-drop toe facecrusher
-back suplex 5
-Arm Drag 2
-Wrist Clutch & Elbow
- Undertaker Knee Strike(Weight Detection)

Waist Lock:
-Forearm Smash 1
-cobra clutch
-Back Rake 2
-Russian Leg Sweep 1
-back suplex 2
-Back Suplex 1
-belly to back
- Russian Leg Sweep 1 (Weight Detection)

Limb Target - Chain Grapple:
Front Facelock:
-Knee Strike 3
-shoulder arm breaker
-Wrist Clutch & Elbow
- knee breaker
- back elbow (Weight Detection)
- arm wringer/leg drop (Weight Detection)
- chop block 1 (Weight Detection)

Side Headlock:
-coconut crush
-armlock scoop slam
-arm wringer/leg drop
-leg sweep kneecrusher
- (Weight Detection)
- (Weight Detection)
- (Weight Detection)

Wrist Lock:
-Arm Wrench Slap
-arm wrench kick & punch

-Wrist Clutch & Elbow

-knee breaker
- (Weight Detection)
- (Weight Detection)
- (Weight Detection)

Waist Lock:
-belly to back
-Wrist Clutch & Elbow
-arm wrench kick & punch
-shin breaker
- (Weight Detection)
- (Weight Detection)
- (Weight Detection)

Groggy Grapple:
Groggy Grapple:
-short-arm clothesline or 1
-Backbreaker Drop 2
-swing neckbreaker 1
-snapmare & big boot
-reverse atomic drop 1
- combination 3 or texas jab (Weight Detection)

Groggy Grapple From Behind:
-Atomic Drop
-inverted backbreaker or Backbreaker Drop 8
-Saito Suplex
-chop block 1
-Teardrop Suplex
- russian leg sweep 1 (Weight Detection)

Limb Target:
-combination 3 or texas jab
-armlock scoop slam
-arm wringer/leg drop
-knee breaker
-coconut crush (Weight Detection)
- shoulder arm breaker (Weight Detection)
- takedown & leg breaker (Weight Detection)

Breaking Point Submissions:
-Abdominal Stretch
-Full Nelson

Strike Attacks:
-undertaker stomp
-elbow drop 3 or 2

Grapple Moves Facing Up:
-face stomp 2
-Mount Punch or knee stomp 2
- belly stomp

Grapple Moves Facing Down:
-Knee Stomp 1
- Ground Punch 2 or knee drop 6
- knee slam

Limb Target:
-Face Stretch 2
-stomping arm
-leg snap or foot ddt

Submission Grapple:
-surfboard stretch
-camel clutch 2
-Boston Crab

Strike Attacks:
Corner Groggy:
-Punch To Head 3
-forearm smash 2
-turnbuckle clothesline
-clothesline 14
-Stomping 3
-running knee strike 1

Top Rope:
-Punch to Head 2
-big boot 1

Tree Of Woe:
-Kick To Gut
-Cactus Elbow or Low Dropkick 2

Grapple Moves:
-10 Count Punch
-Clothesline 10
- Shoulder Block 5(Weight Detection)

Grapple From Behind:
-Toss Into Ring Post
-head slam
- Toss Into Ring Post(Weight Detection)

Top Rope Grapple:
-Super powerslam
- (Weight Detection)

Top Rope Grapple Behind:
-Back Superplex
- Super Back Superplex
- neckbreaker 11 (Weight Detection)

Seated Corner Grapple:
-Stomp & Choke

Tree Of Woe Grapple:
- Foot Choke 2

Corner Springboard:

Running Top Rope Grapple:
- deadly dive

Groggy Against Ropes:
-decavitator or top rope choke or arm lock 1
- Arm Lock 1(Weight Detection)

Groggy Against Second Ropes:
- knee drop 7

Springboard Attacks:

Outside Springboard Attacks:

Out Of Ring Dive Attack (Run):

Running Springboard:

Strike Attacks:
-Right Jab
-axe handle to ringside

Springboard Attacks:

-Apron hotshot 1
- face scrub (Weight Detection)
-Apron Hip Toss
- hot shot 2 (Weight Detection)
-Apron Shoulder Block
-Cut Down
- Pull Down 2

-Apron Stomp
-apron elbow attack or choke

-Apron Clothesline
-Running Elbow Strike

Diving Attack Vs. Standing Opp.
-Diving Clothesline 2 or 3
-Diving Double Axe Handle ( non macho)

Diving Attack Vs. Downed Opp.
-Diving Fist Drop 3
-Diving Elbow Drop 1

Running Strikes:
-Clothesline 7
-Clothesline 2 or running forearm smash

- neckbreaker 8
-reverse atomic drop 3
- facebuster knee smash (Weight Detection)

Grapple From Behind
-back suplex 1
-atomic drop
- chop block 1 (Weight Detection)

Ground Strikes:
-double axe handle 4

Irish Whip Rebound:
-clothesline 2 or Shoulder Block 2
-Reverse Atomic Drop 1 or 2
-Back Body Drop 1
- drop toe hold 1(Weight Detection)

Pull-Back Attacks:
-clothesline 2
- drop toe hold (Weight Detection)

Tag Team:
Standing Moves Tag Team:
-Double Gut-Buster
- Double DDT
- Double Suplex
- Body Blow 1

Corner Moves Tag Team:
-Drop Toe & Elbow Drop
- Atomic Drop & Big Boot
- Diving Ax Handle 2
- Double Back Body Drop

Tag Team Finishers:
Special Moves:


Wake-Up Taunt:
-the snake

- gutbuster 1
-knee trembler

- arm wrench ddt or ddt 6
-ddt 1
- ddt 6(Alternate Finisher)

Custom Special Move:

Royal Rumble:
-Quick Grapple:
- Knee Lift
- Push It
- Gouging
- Shoulder Thrust

- Atomic Drop 2
- World's Strongest Slam 2
- Knee Trembler 2
- Clothesline 8

-Strike Attack
- Punch to Head
- Powerful Punch

- Gouging
- Kicks It Down

- Suplex
- Suplex

- Pushing Down
- Suplex

Here is Billy Kidman as requested. I hope you like and enjoy him.


Billy Kidman (WCW Attire) CAW for WWE SmackDown vs RAW

By Beast & the Harlot
Converted For WWE 13 By: cenationfan72


Face Template: 1
skin texture:12

Texture & Colour 11 Preset 3 (-9)
Eye Type 1: (13,72,86)
Eyebrows 6: (17,116,66)
Eyelashes 4: (15,128,30)
Lipstick 15: (6,117,185)
Teeth 1: (21,241,180)
Hair 46: Colour: (0,255,30)

*Face Shape*
Head: (9,14,0)
Cranium: (0,28,9,0)
Eyebrows: (-100,40,0,-35)
Eyes: (-35,15,10,-12,-8,-1,-35)
Nose: (34,57,-40,47,-10,-70,31,65)
Cheeks: (-63,-53,-27,-70)
Mouth: (28,-60,-40,0,-5,7,-20)
Jaw: (17,-30,22,-14,-20,-68)
Ears: (0,0,0,0)
Age: (18)

Make Up 5: (14,150,225)

Size: 4

Height: 5'10

Body Shape-
Neck: (-40,10,-5)
Chest: (14,-10,-10,0)
Traps: (-23,14,0)
Shoulders: (-30,16,-15)
Abdomen: (-34,-15,-5)
Waist: (0,0)
Arms: (Length -10)
Biceps: (-15,-15)
Forearms: (-15,-15)
Hands: (0,0,0)
Legs: (Length 3)
Thighs: (2,4)
Calves: (2,4)
Feet: (0,0,0)


Tops:10 (Tucked/21,219,195)
Arms & wrists/Both:10 (21,219,195)
Elbow Pads/Both Arms:3 (0,255,30)
Bottoms:1 (1st:147,170,140/2nd:147,170,140)
Belt:8 (1st:0,255,30/2nd:default)
Knee Pads/Both:13 (0,255,30)
Socks,Etc.:3 (21,219,195)
Boots & Shoes:5 (Shortest/0,255,30)

Menu Screen Popse:22

Abilities:Hammer Throw,Resiliency,Outside

Dives,Springboard Dives,Comeback



Name: Billy Kidman
Entrance Name:Billy Kidman
Abbreviated Name: Billy Kidman
Ring Announcer Name:Billy Kid Men(Trust me it sound closer

than man does)
Commentary Name: Any
Hometown: Allentown,Pennsylvania
Weight Class: Cruiserweight
Crowd Reaction: Cheer
Exibition Brand: Legends
Universe Brand:Your Choice but I chose Smackdown

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Jake Roberts

Converted For WWE 13 By: cenationfan72 and santacaw


Face template 1

Texture:4. 13 96 178

Shine 0

Age: 58



Hair/Superstar:43. 22 57 36


Eyes:1 (21,62,50)

Eyebrows:1 (21,62,50)

Teeth 1. 21 241 180


Face morphing


Head: 0 0 0

Cranium: 0 -40 0 0

Forehead: 0 0 0 0

Eyebrows: -100,-100 -2 -100

Eyes: 0 -50 3 -47 44 0 -23

Nose: -37 45 -20 0 -20 4 0 0

Cheeks: -72 -100 45 0

Mouth: -15 -67 28 0 0 -20 -47

Jaw: 25 31 0 3 24 -100

Ears: -30 20 -9 -27


Facial Hair>

Mustache: 11. 22 57 36

Mustache: 12. 22 57 36

Mustache: 13. 22 57 36

Combinations 25. 15 146 109


Size 6

Height: 6'7"



Neck: -22,14,14

Chest: 15,20,24,-37

Traps: 27,-29,35

Shoulders: -53,14,-41

Adbomem: -37,14,8

Waist: 24,22

Arms: -12

Biceps: 11,-2

Forearms: 14,1

Hands: 9,-7,2

Legs: 5

Thighs: -3,-1

Calves: -14,0

Feet: 4,4,2


Body Hair: torso 5. 11 154 50

Body Hair arms 1. 11 154 50



Wrestling Tights:6

Arms & Wrists/Both:10 (0,255,195)

Boots & Shoes:23


Menu Screen Pose:1


Abilities:Hammer Throw,Resiliency,Comeback,Leverage


Pin,Ring Escape






Roster Application Form>


Name > Jake Roberts

Entrance Name > Jake "" Roberts

Abbrv. Name > The Snake

Ring Announcer Name > Jake The Snake Robert

Commentary Name > Santos or whatever you want

Hometown > Stone Mountain, Georgia

Weight Class > Heavyweight

Crowd Reaction > Cheer

Exibition Brand > Legends

Universe Brand > Smackdown

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Here's The Booker T you requested. Again I'm sorry it took so long. If there are any improvement that could be made on him just let me know.


Booker T
CAW by keibo
and Beast And The Harlot
and BKBoodaBless

Coverted to WWE 13 By: cenationfan72

Face Template: 5

Skin Texture / color 5 : 14 ; 91 ; 131 ; 14
Age : 14

Hair 7 (0,255,30)

Eyes type 1 : 0,255,30
Eyelashes 1 : default
Eyebrows 10 : 100 ; -100 ; -22
Teeth : Default

Shape :

Head : 32 ; 21 ; 20
Cranium: 0,20,-10,0
Forehead : -30 ; -54 ; -49 ; 10
Eyebrows : -100 ; 59 ; -15 ; -10
Eyes : 40 ; -11 ; 22 ; 40 ; -15 ; 100 ; -12
Nose : -23 ; -100 ; 70 ; 21 ; 100 ; 56 ; 34 ; -51
Cheeks : -5 ; 100 ; -41 ; 10
Mouth : -54 ; -27 ; 8 ; 90 ; 28 ; 100 ; 0
Jaw : 53 ; -39 ; 34 ; 9 ; 100 ; 0
Ears : 17 ; -47 ; -37 ; -92

Facial Hair>
Mustache:15 (0,255,30)

Makeup 22 : 14 ; 91 ; 131

Height : 6'3" / Weight: 264 lbs.
Body type Size 1
Shape Neck : -7 ; 10 ; 40
Chest : 0 ; 39 ; 47: 0
Traps: 50,0,0
Shoulders : 1 ; 24 ; 0
Abdomen : 1 ; 24 ; 0
Waist : 15 ; 32
Arms : 7 / 7 ; 14/ 7 ; 14
Hands : 0 ; 0 ; 0
Legs : 4 / 9 ; 18/ 9 ; 18
Feet : 0 ; 0 ; 0

Body Hair: 6 (15,102,98)

Tattoo/Design: 14 (left shoulder/0.255,0,40)
Tattoo/Design: 5 (right shoulder/0.255,0,40)

Underwear 16 : default

Tights: 5 (153,179,247)

Knee Pads: 13 (153,179,247)

Boots & Shoes : 16 (1st:0,255,30/2nd:153,179,247)

Hands: 13 (1st:0,255,30/2nd:0,255,30)

Menu Screen Pose :1

Abilities:Hammer Throw,Resiliency,Comeback,Move Thief



Hit Point Ratio:Head:22%,Body:30%,Arm:20%,Leg:28%

Name: Booker T
Entrance Name:Booker T
Abbreviated Name: Booker T
Ring Announcer Name: Brooklyn T
Commentary Name: Any
Hometown: Harlem, New York
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Crowd Reaction: Cheer
Exihibition Brand: Any
Universe Brand: Any

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