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B.J. Whitmer by CaptainCAWisma from his R.O.H. Save


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Name BJ Whitmer
Hud BJ
Nickname Default
Placement None
Announcer Introduction Benjamin
Hometown Kentucky
Weight Light Heavyweight 230 lbs.
Match Tactic Clean
Show Smackdown!
Voice 1
Match Specialty None

Head and Face Morphing

Head 14,27,19
Forehead 0,-35,69,-41

Eyebrows -90,50,0,-12
Eyes 0,-27,-9,-60,0,-20,0
Nose 0,0,7,0,0,-6,20,-5
Cheeks -25,58,37,13
Mouth 69,-43,-80,-20,0,15,-39
Jaw -2,21,-1,-34,29,-32
Ears -4,0,-19,0
Skin Aging 20

Body Type 0

Advanced Options

Neck -2,17,41
Chest -28,4,5
Shoulder 0,20,11
Abdomen 41,20,15
Waist 18,15
Arms -9,27,26
Hands 0,0,0
Legs -18,11,36
Feet 0,0,0

Body Height 6 Ft. 1 In.


1.Body Skin (5) 92,1,0
2.Face Skin Tones (1)
3.Eyes (1) -100,36,-19
4.Eyebrows (2) 88,-2,-5
5.Eyelashes Default
6.Lips (1) 98,-2,-5
7.Teeth Default
8.Hair (41) 89,13,-3
9.Body Hair Default (None)
10.Underwear (1)
11.Hair (42) 85,38,-58
12.Make Up (65) 90,0,0,10
13.Make Up (18) Stylize to bigger circles under eyes. 90,0,-3,100
14.Other Facial Hair (4) 90,0,0,13
15.Other Facial Hair (18) 89,0,0,0
16.Sideburns (9) 90,-16,-4,52
17.Mustache (2) 89,0,15,33
18.Elbow Pads (Left Arm Only) (4) -100,-100,-73,100
19.Wrist Bands (1) -26,-100,-1,100,20
20.Knee Pads (14) -100,-100,-68,100
21.Make Up (22) 90,-11,4,100
22.Make Up (27) 90,8,-9,0
23.Make Up (22) Stylize to the circles slightly under his eyes. 95,1,-4,1
24.Make Up (48) 92,1,-2,100
25.Sideburns (14) 89,-12,0,61
26.Shoes (6) Tallest boot. -26,-100,-3
27. and 28. are centered on the front of the tights, overlapping a bit, with the top of the designs slightly over the top of the front of the underwear. Both are Design (103) Rotate Once Largest Hor. 2nd Ver. -97,15,19,100
29.Design (92) Rotate Once Largest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the Last 2 Layers, with the bottom of this design slightly sticking out of the bottom of the Last 2 Layers. -97,15,19,100
30.Design (1) Smallest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the front half of the side of the left shoulder. 8,-88,-6,27
31. and 32. are placed centered on the front of each boot. Both are Design (105) 2nd Hor. Largest Ver. -19,-100,0,100

A1 Fighting Style
1.Grapple 2.Balanced
Signs are your choice
Moves Aggressive, Less all other choices

Easy Creation Entrance
Motion Chris Benoit
Movie Batista
Music Bret Hart

T-Bone Suplex 1, Frog Splash Pin 1

Str. 7, Sub. 7.5, Dur. 7.5, Tec. 8.5, Spd. 7.5, Cha. 6.5, Har. 8.5, Sta. 8 Overall 84
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